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24 / 05 / 2023

Coca-cola Christmas Truck Hits A Bump In The Road!

Calls for Coca Cola to respond over growing fears of the effects their products may be having on the general public’s health have been significant this past holiday season, especially concerning that of children. The international soft drink giant was asked not to visit some of its regular UK tour stops, as some believe the company is undermining a national effort to cut childhood obesity, especially in poorer parts of the country, where rates of child tooth decay and obesity are known to be at their highest.


The distinctive brightly lit red trucks are seen by many to be a flagship of the season, which is why the issue has been widely publicised in recent news. Earlier in 2017 a tax was introduced on drinks containing added sugar in an attempt to help reduce consumption of such products, and some believe that huge advertising campaigns like Coca Cola’s are undermining efforts to stop the obesity epidemic.
It’s not fair to suggest Coca Cola is the only corporation guilty of this, many brands and supermarkets use Christmas as a motif to encourage guiltless indulgence – after all, it’s Christmas! But that doesn’t mean the public should be bombarded with messages of encouragement to make unhealthy choices.
Every single second Coca Cola produce 3,400 plastic bottles – that’s 110 billion single use plastic bottles every year. Sadly, most will end up in landfill, or polluting our natural spaces or oceans, to the point were Greenpeace this year held a demonstration in Piccadilly circus to draw attention to the huge amount of plastics entering our oceans, and the substantial amount of which come directly from the factories of Coca Cola. Big name brands need to stop dazzling with ad campaigns and step up and address the damage they are doing to the planet and its citizens.

This year a message was sent out, backed by many, including Public Health England and a few high-profile MPs, that more needs to be done to safeguard the vulnerable in society, and the health of the nation’s children is a vital part of this – childhood obesity and tooth decay not only affects physical health, but emotional and mental health, not to mention the medical complications and diseases that can stem from these in later life. Another part of that message is challenging the deceptive marketing tricks of global corporations who wish to make a profit from selling sugar to children


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