• 3 Duke Street Court
  • Bridge Street
  • Kingsbridge
  • TQ7 1HX

24 / 05 / 2023

Swimarathon Success!

Friday 13th was definitely a lucky day for some of the Absolute Team!
Your hygienists Rachael and Christina together with Kirsty, Ellie and myself made up a team of super girls taking part in this year’s Swimarathon.
The event was organised by the Kingsbridge Estuary Rotary Club and took place at the Quayside leisure centre in support of brilliant charities: Devon Air Ambulance, Home start (these are the Rotary Clubs chosen charities) and Cancer research UK (our chosen charity) which is particularly close to our hearts. So far we have raised £180.

The evening started with one of our lovely patients coming up to me saying that we had inspired her to do something for charity so she put a team together and took part!
After much deliberation in the changing rooms as to wear swimming caps or not, it was time to dive in.
The whistle blew and off we went, 3 ladies on each end of the pool relaying each other for a whole hour, displaying different strokes, swimming styles and speed…I must admit that I was the slowest member of our super team with my unique breast stroke come doggy paddle!
Thankfully, speed and ability were not what the event was about and the Absolute Team were very supportive of each other and other teams.
We were all so surprised when after an hour of swimming non stop, we found out that we managed to swim 123 lengths, being cheered all along by the volunteers and familiar faces in the public.
I had such a lovely evening with these ladies whilst raising money for charity and discovering muscles I did not know I had.
I think we will definitely take part in the next event and try to beat our 123 score.
Thank you to our very generous patients who have sponsored us, your kind donations will make a difference to people who really need it.

A very special and huge thank you must go to Ellie’s sister Shannon for stepping in when we needed an extra team member at the last minute. We know you had to give up a KFC meal for us and we are so very grateful for your efforts and all the giggles on the night.

Now it is time to start thinking about our next charity challenge…


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