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24 / 05 / 2023

Tigers Take Care Of Your Teeth!

Lions and Tigers and Bears and every animal with teeth may have the same dental troubles that we do. Gum disease and gingivitis, broken teeth, and painful cavities.

Clearly Tigers do not eat Toffees, unlike the average human, so no risk of cavities for these big wild cats.

In zoos, large animals such as lions and tigers are brought in for examination and treatment under anesthesia (of course) by Vets when necessary.

However, a Bristol-based dentist has managed to successfully treat a tiger, Tiger Khan, with a cracked fearsome five-inch-long canine teeth.

Dr Peter Kertesz led a 45 minute operation removing the cracked tooth and filling the fearsome Khan’s root canal after propping open the jaw of the 32-stone tiger.

Dr Kertesz said: “It was an important procedure, as infections like this can lead to more serious health issues if left untreated. It was excellent observation on behalf of his keepers to spot the problem early.”

Keepers at the zoo reported that Khan has since made a full recovery and his mood has improved considerably.

Much of animal dental care runs parallel for humans’ care of their teeth.

A healthy diet can help animals maintain healthy teeth and gums. Regularly eating more abrasive foods can result in a “brushing” effect. Some types of pet food are even made larger pieces than normal so pets must chew each piece achieving a brushing effect.

When it comes to brushing many vets recommend brushing dogs’ and cats’ teeth daily, if possible. With specially designed toothbrushes, pastes, rinses and other oral hygiene products these can help keep your pets’ teeth as healthy as possible.

Regular dental examinations for our pets (large and small) are important with prompt treatment of diseased teeth and gums.

So Tiger or Tabby …. things are just the same when it comes to avoiding toothy troubles for these kitty cousins.

Ruthie x

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