• 3 Duke Street Court
  • Bridge Street
  • Kingsbridge
  • TQ7 1HX

Absolute Dental is proud to have Dr Deiniol Prowse-Jones, who is completing a Master’s degree in restorative dentistry and an advanced implant postgraduate certificate doing all of the implant treatments.

If you are missing a tooth, an implant is the most like for like treatment you can receive.

For further detailed information about implants and answers to common questions about them, you will find everything you need to know at Nobel Biocare.


What is an implant?

An implant is a titanium screw that is placed in the jaw under local anaesthetic. Over a short period of time, this will then fuse with the bone. It is designed to replace the missing tooth root and provide a stable foundation for replacement teeth. Following a period of healing, a restoration such as a crown or bridge can then be placed on top of the implant or used to retain a denture.

Why do we recommend implants?

  • Without a replacement tooth, the surrounding teeth can drift and cause problems.
  • The bone will resorb with time without a replacement.
  • They are fixed in place, so they don’t need to be removed to clean.
  • They are aesthetically pleasing options for replacement teeth.
  • The adjacent teeth don’t need to be touched for an implant to be placed.
  • Dental implants can replace single or multiple missing teeth.

Who can’t have implants?

It is important to consult with our dentist in order to assess whether you are a suitable candidate for an implant. Certain patients, such as uncontrolled diabetes, patients who are on medication that suppress their immune system, and heavy smokers, may be advised to seek an alternative option. Those with limited jaw bone may need a bone graft before they can have an implant.

For more information regarding this treatment
Call 01548 852 165 Or Contact Us
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